Friday, September 25, 2015

The First Build Challenge- Design Something to Hold Pencils

When students enter the Build Bunker they can accept many challenges. They have opportunities to design something in a Build Challenge, learn something new in a Learning Challenge, or solve a problem in a Make It Work Challenge. These Challenges are posted on a bulletin board and announced every month.

Being new to the concept of Makerspaces, we wanted to keep our challenges relatively simple the first time students start to visit. We decided on an easy concept, design something to hold pencils. The creativity the kids  used to come up with an idea was fantastic. Some students used crafty and recyclable materials, others used Legos and kNex. A few students even challenged themselves to design a pencil holder using Tinkercad online design studio. Check out some of their ideas!

Challenge Board

Designing on Tinkercad

Butterfly Pencil Holder

Lego Man Pencil Holder

Feather Covered Pencil Holder

Angel Pencil Holder

Students label their projects so they can work on them over the course of five days. 

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